i know that all paths lead to somewhere, but then what shall i swim across, throw myself off the cliff, pretend i know how to fly what happens when the path has ended and i have stood there for far too long what then i wonder..
i moved where my heart had drifted off to long before. i live on a hill of hundred acres, where my dreams have merged with the view. it is quiet from machine noises yet loud with sounds of horses, dogs, cats chickens and ducks. nature is the true artist in resident and i am just her apprentice who often gets lost in her gaze. once and a while i travel back to cities and foreign places to put into photographs what i have learned, yet always, part of my heart is left on the hill..
unless otherwise designated, all text and photographs on this blog are the copyrighted material of photografille and its author, or are used by permission. you may use or link to material on this blog provided you include proper attribution. thank you.
You take a deep breath, swirve & create a new path.
Mmmm - the crossroads. Perhaps that is when your muse catches up.
I just came across this and without noticing who the author was I thought, "Wow, this looks like Nadia's work."
:) Lovely blog.
Like like like this pictures!
Agneta from Sweden
it is so soft :)
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